The Great Gatsby movie comparison – 1974 vs 2013

Today we finished viewing the 1974 adaptation of The Great Gatsby. This production was directed by Jack Clayton and based on a screenplay by Francis Ford Coppola (of The Godfather).

I say “finished”… yes, this was our second sitting. At 146 minutes, this is a loooooong movie for such a short novel. And we felt it. The script, to its credit, is extremely true to the source—much of the dialogue is word-for-word. But, as I’ve learned over the years, an accurate adaptation does not a good movie make, especially if it is lacking in the areas of cinematography or just editing. One reaches a point where you ask yourself, why not read the book instead?

I read the book again recently, and one thing is for sure, it is nice to see a tasteful film version. My biggest gripe with the 2013 Leonardo DiCaprio Gatsby was that it is anything but tasteful…a lot of vulgarity (to the point I turned it off halfway in embarrassment and finished it later alone 😅). By comparison, the 1974 movie is more refined, still glamorous but not raunchy. It’s just… poorly paced and boring in parts, especially the first half.

On to characters… The two Gatsbys are both convincing, but rather different. Robert Redford plays up the gentler, war-veteran side of Jay, the handsome first love with a wistful longing for Daisy. DiCaprio, on the other hand, exudes more of the bootlegger with a dubious past and dangerous obsession.

I really didn’t care for Daisy in either production. Nothing against Carey Mulligan or Mia Farrow, but neither one really has the screen presence and charisma that Daisy needs, IMHO. Between the two, I’d probably give a slight edge to Mia, but her affected way of talking is more annoying than endearing.

As for Nick Carraway, Sam Waterston’s performance (1974) blew me away. He really saves the movie in many ways from being a total bore. I couldn’t stand Nick in the 2013 film (sorry, Tobey Maguire fans!), but it may have had more to do with the cringy narration than the casting. There’s narration in the older film, too, but it’s done so much better, featuring more lines from the book instead of ramblings about alcohol.

My other critique of the 2013 script is that it is so… cartoonish, for lack of a better word. It’s a shame, because I did somewhat like the second half of the film, where things get more serious by nature of the plot. But as a whole, it’s just lacking the poetry of Fitzgerald, which, for all its faults, the older adaptation manages to convey.

Last thought… when it comes to aesthetics, the older version makes some effort towards “believable glitz,” while the newer film amps up the sets in a very theatrical/operatic style. I don’t like sets that look too pristine and orchestrated, even if that’s the intention, but a little style and art makes for a better movie. So I think my ideal Gatsby aesthetic is somewhere in-between the two… think Downton Abbey, or pretty much any BBC production from the mid-2000s. Indeed, if the 70s version had been made today, I think it would be right on the money. (um, no pun intended.)

That said, here’s a few stills from 2013 which certainly make for nice eye candy:


10 responses to “The Great Gatsby movie comparison – 1974 vs 2013”

  1. mudpuddle Avatar

    hope you and yours have a pleasant Xmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and you too!! 🙂


  2. It was very interesting reading your thoughts. I first saw the 1974 film many years ago, and read the book and seen the 2013 adaptations relatively recently in comparison. I pretty much agree with you, though I do think we should be more critical of Mulligan. I mean, not to be offensive, but Daisy is supposed to be a stunning beauty and Mulligan, well, frankly, she is not. The same goes for her cast in Far from the Madding Crowd. Leo and Tobey are actually big friends in real life so I guess it was easy for them to be “friends” in this story, though I agree that Nick’s narration is off-putting. I guess Baz Luhrmann’s film was supposed to be “vulgar”, flamboyant and crazy. What he did previously with Romeo + Juliet shows just how little he cares for time periods and historic styles, and will be happy to turn everything upside down!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Re: Mulligan, I have to agree the casting doesn’t make sense… also I’m pretty sure Bathsheba is supposed to be dark haired! I’m not sure if you’ve seen the 1998 FftMC, but they got that part right.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I have seen this one and I like the main actress in that role. I guess every Far From the Madding Crowd adaptation has got something truly right such as some cast who are perfect in that role, but not one is so on its own.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Why must women tear down other women. The 1920s may have defined the standards of beauty different than current times. I personally think Carrie is very beautiful . Also old many types don’t have that “Marilyn Monroe” look. If you’ve ever spent any time on Martha’s Vineyard, Newport, or Nantucket you would see that. Part of what defines beauty to that crowd is purity and blue bloods.


  3. Richard Coburn Avatar
    Richard Coburn

    I much prefer the 1973 Clayton/Coppola movie adaštation of Fitzgerald’s classic, The Great Gatsby. Sam Waterston is a better Nick; Mia Farrow is a much prettier and more frivolous Daisy; Bruce Dern is a much more convincing, old-moneyed Tom Buchanan. Leonardo di Caprio gives a čreditable performance as the title character in 2013, but I think I still like Redford’s interpretation of the self-conscious, insecure imposter a little better. I found much of the 2013 version excessive to the point of being vulgar. And, Francis Ford Coppola remains much more faithful to the novel. So, my vote goes to the 1974 version.


  4. George shipe Avatar
    George shipe

    Robert Redford and the 1974 version. Nick is an excellent narrator, 2013 nick sound boyish, jay gatsby too is boyish..Redford was a man and could well have been an army officer, a major..di caption did not have that inner authority. Tom in 1974 was a shit of a man and snobby, wheras 2013 he was a bully but showed no breeding….I was disappointed, also, 2013 appeared to be a musical with coordinate chrographypy …not party people but a stage play. Daisy was refined and vulnerable in 1974… I did like mulligan, but farrow takes the prize. I felt George Wilson’s pain in 1974 version,loved George’s friend trying to comfort…..have to also give huge credit to the 1974 dog vendor….”that dog….that dog is a good dog….that dog will cost you $…


  5. Mary Ellen Barratt Avatar
    Mary Ellen Barratt

    1974 version was definitely better ,between the musical liberties taken , J Z and Beyonce REALLY ?? This version is all A.I.actots were reversed aged ! Did no one else notice ? Bad casting sorry but this was a joke Hollywood style ..


  6. Jenifer Garrison Avatar
    Jenifer Garrison

     I have seen both versions of The Great Gatsby at the time they were made. I found the 1974 film tedious. It moved at a snail’s pace and, frankly, was boring. I didn’t care about any of the characters which was a shame because I loved the book. Loved it then and love it now. After watching the Baz Luhrman version, I watched the 1974 Gatsby again and felt the same about it. What I like about the 2013 version is that it has passion. Is it vulgar? Yes, in the Gatsby scenes. The 1920s were a vulgar time: short skirts, speakeasies, people flush with new money. Lurhman catches that frantic energy. But the passion and yearning Gatsby feels for Daisy is palpable and the lengths to which he will go to be with her, possess her, in the 2013 film is obvious. The parts of Lurhman’s film that show Daisy’s life with her wealthy, blue blood husband is much more “tasteful” and is a completely different feeling from Gatsby’s bootlegger’s life. What is interesting in Luhrman’s version is it shows not just the differences between Gatsby and Buchanan but also how they are the same. The 1974 film is a museum piece. Any great art can withstand and actually invite different interpretations that breathe new life into them for new generations (Romeo and Juliet and La Boheme are two examples). I love the Baz Lurhman version because it has the passion that fuels a great, obsessive love. There is not a boring moment in it.


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